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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Acne pimple natural treatment

Acne Pimple Natural Treatment

Welcome to my blog "acne pimple natural treatment", here you will learn about acne pimples and what are some of the causes of acne pimples and how you should go about treating your acne pimples.

The term acne is derived from the Greek word Acne which means skin eruption. In medical circle, it is known as Acne Vulgaris. Acne or acne pimples is a disorder that causes your skin to inflame due to changes in the sebaceous or oil glands found on your skin and hair follicles. The inflammation can either be small or large, tender or hard, soft or dull, red, black or white. It usually occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest, but eruption of acne all over the body is not unusual.

Acne is commonly known as pimple or zit. It develops when the pores on your skin get plugged. This happens due to the action of hormones and other substances on your skin's oil glands. It is the most common among teenagers in puberty, but can also affect infants, teenagers and adults alike. It is also not limited to any creed or race.

What Causes Acne & Pimples?

There are oil glands on your chest, face and back numbering in the thousands. The function of these oil glands is to lubricate the skin by producing oil, or sebum. Oil that is produced in the glands flows through follicles or tiny ducts to the surface of the skin. It usually starts far beneath the surface of the skin.

A blemish (or internal lump) begins about 2 to 3 weeks before it appears on your skin's surface. Acne first begins to form in your sebaceous hair follicles. You know this as "pores", the tiny holes on you skin. Deep within each hair follicle, sebaceous glands generate sebum, the oil that keeps your skin soft, moist and pliable. As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off. Normally, this cell shedding process happens gradually, and fresh new skin takes its place.

But sloughing (the process where living tissue is separated from dead skin tissue) is not the same for everyone. Some people shed cells evenly while others don't. The result of uneven sloughing is that dead cells become sticky, clogging together to form a plug, similar to a cork in a bottle. This plug traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle.

The trapped oil begins to form a lump as your skin continues its normal oil production. Your body's natural defense system then sends an army of white blood cells to attack the bacteria. The whole process takes around 2 to 3 weeks, resulting in an acne pimple.

Acne Pimple Natural Treatment

There is a tendency for most people when seeing a 'ripe' pimple to pick or squeeze it. This will cause further damage to your skin as germs or bacterias from your finger tips can cause inflammation and scarring as a result. The risk of infection is also increased.

A good reference guide about acne pimple natural treatment is an ebook written by Chris Gibson. Chris, who was once a chronic acne sufferer, found a scientically proven way to permanently clear his acne problem. Read about how Chris cured his acne in 3 days without any harsh prescription drugs or over-the-counter products.

If you have severe acne, Then this program is right for you It is a natural acne pimple treatment, it is an easy to follow program that have been very effective in clearing up acne.

Acne Pimple Natural Treatment

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