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Thursday, November 20, 2008

How To Treat Your Acne Pimples Without Scarring Your Face

Natural Pimple Treatments

Getting rid of acne pimples is a problem faced by many individuals especially teenagers. Most of the time when acne pimples, blackheads and whiteheads pops up on teenagers faces, neck, shoulders and backs are as a result of puberty kicking in.

Now for most teenagers and adults too, when faced with acne their first reaction is to run and find the nearest drug store or pharmacy to try and find a quick fix solution to get rid of acne pimples and other forms of acne symptoms.

While these over the counter drugs may help, they are not permanent. They will clear up the skin and remove the acne for a while but in a short period of time the pimples, blackheads and white heads will just take back residence on your skin.

What I have found out is that the drug and pharmaceutical companies are preying on our pockets. They have the greatest and most compelling advertisements about how they can do this and that for you and in the long run they never really deliver.

On the other hand natural acne cures do work. It has been proven that using natural holistic treatments to get rid of acne is far more effective than using creams and various prescriptions and over the counter drugs. You should be aware that most of the drugs and creams that people use to treat their acne also contains chemicals that can worsen acne and deteriorate your skin.

Get Rid Of Acne In 14 Days Now

Holistic treatments is a form of total body cleanse, it involves the right diet and the right attitude towards body hygiene. Holistic treatments are administered to clean clogged pores and remove the blackheads and whiteheads from deep within the skin. It will also get rid of acne pimples and permanently cure acne. However the time period for the healing and cleansing process may differ from individuals to individuals depending on how well the treatment is administered and how terrible the acne is.

Being bombarded with so many different types of acne free treatments everyday, how do you know what is right for you?

It is recommended that you don't just go and spend you hard earn cash on a product because it claims to be the best (remember it is their job to do that to make sales).

Always read the entire sales pitch, see what the product guarantees and how will you benefit from the product. Check to see if there are any testimonials as this gives you an idea of what you can expect and you can also look for contact information which you can always send a nudge to see if you would get a response. Another important thing to look for is if they offer a money back guarantee and the duration of the guarantee. Think about it who wants to buy a product that will not benefit them?

While no one can tell you how to spend your money you should try make make good decisions. Acne is a very devastating disease and can also lower self confidence and self esteem. Anyone with acne should seek help to get rid of acne pimples and other symptoms of acne in the shortest time possible.

Did You Know That If acne is not treated promptly and with the right treatment, it can last up to twelve years. Can you afford to wait that long? Do you like looking in the mirror and seeing the blackheads and white heads staring at you? Click Here To learn how you can get rid of acne pimples with an all natural safe holistic treatment that will permanently cure your acne.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Natural Acne Treatments-"Acne No More" Versus "Acne Free In 3 Days"

What is The Acne No More and what can this System Can Do For You?

The Acne No More System is a system that addresses the internal source of your acne. It is like a step by step manual that teaches you how to cure your acne permanently. In so doing it tackles all acne contributing factors via a holistic, multi dimensional approach to ensures the permanent eradication of the internal 'acne environment' and that means...

*Complete elimination of your existing acne The Acne No More system eliminates the internal cause of your acne so you could enjoy a long-term beautiful, baby like acne-free skin. There will be no need for picking, squeezing and fighting inflammation, puss and other horrible symptoms associated with acne.

*Complete prevention of new acne scarring By curing your acne and stopping its reoccurrence, you will have no acne scarring for the rest of your life! Instead, you can focus your efforts and your hard earned money on living the life of your dreams to the fullest.

*No more redness, peeling and dryness The Acne No More system is a holistic 100% natural system. There is no need for typical pricey acne drugs and creams and there are no side effects. You can now throw away any unnatural topicals, drugs and creams you may have stored in your medicine cabinet.

*No more blackheads Acne No More will heal existing acne including blackheads by stopping the root internal cause of blackheads.

*No more oily skin Acne No More™ will balance out your oil secretion levels so you could forever enjoy silky-smooth and even toned skin.

this is just the tip of the iceberg! Acne No More™ is so much more than just an e-book

>>>Acne No More (tm): Cure Acne Holistically<<<

Acne Free In 3 Days

Acne Free in 3 Days as mentioned in the title claims to cure your acne in 3 days. Although many have claimed it to be true, I would like to vote that it is not entirely true. Although it may have worked for thousands of customers, it may not work for you because the approach used in the acne free in 3 days system is rather a cure for mild and easy acne situations.

If you are suffering from easy to mild acne, then you should simply follow the Acne Free in 3 Days method to clear your face of the unwanted acne.

Basically Acne Free in 3 Days suggest that you go on a special detox-cure (don't worry it's not so scary as it sounds) for 3 days. While at this cure you apply certain topical products to help you to get rid of the toxins in your body faster.

Acne Free in 3 Days is also quite short and information is laid out in a clear manner. So you don't need to waste time on reading and learning too much. Instead you can focus on applying. And application is where the clear skin is.

Maybe the biggest downfall of the book is that it provides only little information on how to remain acne free. Chris provides some suggestions and gives a list on foods to avoid. Since changing your lifestyle is the hardest step in curing your acne, I would have liked to see some more discussion on that.

Do You want to be acne free in 3 days?

All said and done Acne Free in 3 Days is a decent book to have in your acne-fighting arsenal. If you are not particularly interested in natural health and how your body works, but mainly just want to get rid of those embarrassing pimples on your face then your really should buy Acne Free in 3 Days. It gives you a very simple method that will get rid of your acne and that you can repeat as often as you want to. But it won't bore you with too detailed explanations on why those methods work.

Click here for a full report of Acne Free In 3 Days.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Acne pimple natural treatment

Acne Pimple Natural Treatment

Welcome to my blog "acne pimple natural treatment", here you will learn about acne pimples and what are some of the causes of acne pimples and how you should go about treating your acne pimples.

The term acne is derived from the Greek word Acne which means skin eruption. In medical circle, it is known as Acne Vulgaris. Acne or acne pimples is a disorder that causes your skin to inflame due to changes in the sebaceous or oil glands found on your skin and hair follicles. The inflammation can either be small or large, tender or hard, soft or dull, red, black or white. It usually occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest, but eruption of acne all over the body is not unusual.

Acne is commonly known as pimple or zit. It develops when the pores on your skin get plugged. This happens due to the action of hormones and other substances on your skin's oil glands. It is the most common among teenagers in puberty, but can also affect infants, teenagers and adults alike. It is also not limited to any creed or race.

What Causes Acne & Pimples?

There are oil glands on your chest, face and back numbering in the thousands. The function of these oil glands is to lubricate the skin by producing oil, or sebum. Oil that is produced in the glands flows through follicles or tiny ducts to the surface of the skin. It usually starts far beneath the surface of the skin.

A blemish (or internal lump) begins about 2 to 3 weeks before it appears on your skin's surface. Acne first begins to form in your sebaceous hair follicles. You know this as "pores", the tiny holes on you skin. Deep within each hair follicle, sebaceous glands generate sebum, the oil that keeps your skin soft, moist and pliable. As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off. Normally, this cell shedding process happens gradually, and fresh new skin takes its place.

But sloughing (the process where living tissue is separated from dead skin tissue) is not the same for everyone. Some people shed cells evenly while others don't. The result of uneven sloughing is that dead cells become sticky, clogging together to form a plug, similar to a cork in a bottle. This plug traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle.

The trapped oil begins to form a lump as your skin continues its normal oil production. Your body's natural defense system then sends an army of white blood cells to attack the bacteria. The whole process takes around 2 to 3 weeks, resulting in an acne pimple.

Acne Pimple Natural Treatment

There is a tendency for most people when seeing a 'ripe' pimple to pick or squeeze it. This will cause further damage to your skin as germs or bacterias from your finger tips can cause inflammation and scarring as a result. The risk of infection is also increased.

A good reference guide about acne pimple natural treatment is an ebook written by Chris Gibson. Chris, who was once a chronic acne sufferer, found a scientically proven way to permanently clear his acne problem. Read about how Chris cured his acne in 3 days without any harsh prescription drugs or over-the-counter products.

If you have severe acne, Then this program is right for you It is a natural acne pimple treatment, it is an easy to follow program that have been very effective in clearing up acne.

Acne Pimple Natural Treatment

Friday, February 22, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Your Acne

First of all What Is Acne?

Acne is the term used to describe plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. This skin disease affect mostly teenagers even though adults way up into their forties can get acne.

While not a life threatening condition, acne can be upsetting and disfiguring. When severe, acne can lead to serious and permanent scarring. Even less severe cases can lead to scarring.

Some Stunning Facts About Acne

* In most people, acne will last for about three to four years and in 15% of the cases, acne can continue for eight-12 years if not treated with the right mediation

* In a smaller percentage (5%), acne will last beyond age 25 and can continue up to age 40 if not treated with the right mediation

* In 70% of the cases, women will notice a flare-up in the acne condition prior their menstrual period the monthly discharge of menses or blood in women, perhaps due to an increase of androgens steroid hormones responsible for the development and maintenance of male physical characteristics.

Androgens are steroid a naturally occurring fat-soluble organic compound present in bile acids, many hormones, some natural drugs, and precursor of certain vitamins hormones responsible for the development and maintenance of male physical characteristics.

* The more severe cases of acne tend to occur most often in men, because they produce more of the male hormones that stimulate acne formation.

* Women with a lot of body or facial hair, and those who have irregular periods, may be at increased risk of acne.

Now with all this information what is right for you?

How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast ??

I am not here to force you to buy anything, i had acne before but i am very proud to say that i am cured. Now i don't want to be selfish so am giving you an opportunity to cure your acne also.

I have found a system that Will Teach YOU How To Permanently Cure Your Acne, End The Breakouts, Rebalance Your Body and Achieve The LASTING Clear Skin You Deserve!

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